Terrasar-x x scansar interferometry pdf

Terrasarxs stripmap and scansar mode parameters modified from 23. Terrasar x terrasar x is an active matrix, x band synthetic aperture radar sar, capable of acquiring data with a resolution of 1 metre, and in all weather conditions, both during the daytime and at night. Terrasarxtandemx wide scansar content earth online. Region of movement scansar interferometric processing using existing standard insar software for measuring large scale land deformation. The ideal procedure for an interferometric acquisition is that of the tandem x satellite associated with the terrasar x data. Chapter 2 describes the objectives of the announcement of opportunity related to the utilization of experimental terrasar x data and terrasar x like processed data acquired by the tandem x mission. Scansar data areavailable as detected as well as complex images. The maximum azimuth steering angle of terrasar x allows the implementation of topsar with the same coverage and resolution as the nominal terrasar x scansar mode, four range subswaths with 16 m. First topsar interferometry results with terrasarx. During the last years, the demand for vessel surveillance has increased both for fisheries control and for maritime security and safety. Sar modes, namely, stripmap, scansar, and spotlight, as. Post tandem x monostatic commissioning version for start of terrasar x mission data provision by both satellites.

More sophisticated propulsion system of tandemx allows for constellation control. Terrasar x was launched on 15 june 2007 and has been in operational service since january 2008. The terrasar x mission is a public private partnership ppp between the german aerospace centre dlr and europes leading space company, eads astrium gmbh. It is a huge challenge to utilise them for interferometry due to the impacts of nonlinear azimuth phases and insufficient parameters, although the terrasar x scansar system is able to provide slc data with both large coverage and high resolution. The tsx x band sensor can be operated in three interferometrically compatible imaging modes. For comparison, a terrasar x scansar data take has been acquired over the same area and with the same geometric configuration on september 2nd. Thanks to different polarimetric combinations and processing levels the delivered imagery can be tailored specifically to meet the. Aiming to solve these problems, a blind estimation method for azimuth. Benefits of using terrasar x the main benefit of terrasar x for generating digital elevation models is that necessary. Subsidence detection by terrasar x interferometry on a network of natural persistent scatterers and artificial corner reflectors. Thanks to different polarimetric combinations and processing levels the delivered imagery can be tailored specifically to meet the requirements of the application.

It is the continuation of the scientifically and technologically successful radar missions x sar 1994 and srtm 2000 and will bring the national technology developments desa and topas into operational use. Terrasar x applications guide benefits of using terrasar x geo gcp location information is provided well below one meter unmatched by any other spaceborne solution. Zhoualos palsar scansar interferometry and its application in wenchuan earthquake. Pau prats, luca marotti, steffen wollstadt, rolf scheiber microwaves and radar institute, german aerospace center, germany abstract this paper presents results on sar interferometry with the socalled tops mode. Pdf the terrasar x project is a public,private partnership between astrium gmbh and,the german aerospace center dlr. Terrasar x image product guide basic and enhanced radar satellite imagery page 4 of 24 issue 2. Terrasarx applications guide benefits of using terrasarx geo gcp location information is provided well below one meter unmatched by any other spaceborne solution. Terrasar x applications guide list of abbreviations.

Scansar interferometry of the gaofen3 satellite with. Terrasar x applications guide terrasar image product basic image product. The sar raw data are processed by the terrasar x multi mode sar processor tmsp. The maximum azimuth steering angle of terrasar x allows the implementation of topsar with the same coverage and resolution as the nominal terrasar x scansar. Since terrasar x only has one antenna, two passages in slightly different orbits are required in order to obtain a perspective view of the earth. Although the terrasar x scansar system is able to provide slc data with both large coverage and high resolution, it is a huge challenge to utilise them for interferometry due to the impacts of nonlinear azimuth phases and insufficient parameters. Automated sea ice classification on dualpolarimetric terrasar x data.

Simplifying the terrasarx scansar interferometry by making it stripmaplike precise enough to remove the nonlinear azimuth phases providing a solution for terrasarx scansar interferometry starts from slc data can also be applied to other advanced sar system with nonlinear azimuth phases, such as spotlight. The exclusive commercial exploitation rights are held by the geoinformation service provider astrium. An advantage of satellite sar systems with electronic beam steering is the absence of platform stability problems during. Demonstration of repeat pass interferometry, along track interferometry, persistent scatterer evaluation, topsar, total zero doppler steering demonstration of quadpol mode the use of terrasar x data was demonstrated for geoscientific applications, oceanography and disaster monitoring during commissioning phase. A satellite formation for highresolution sar interferometry gerhard krieger, member, ieee, alberto moreira, fellow, ieee, hauke fiedler, irena hajnsek, member, ieee, marian werner, marwan younis, member, ieee, and manfred zink abstracttandem x terrasar x addon for digital elevation measurements is an innovative spaceborne. Terrasar x applications guide furthermore, terrasar x provides excellent radiometric stability over time, which results in. Glrt detection of moving targets via multibaseline alongtrack interferometric sar systems. Blind azimuth phase elimination for terrasarx scansar. Terrasarx1 also referred to as tsx or tsx1 is a german sar satellite mission for scientific and commercial applications national project. Terrasarx tops, scansar and widescansar interferometric. Region of movement x satellite associated with the terrasar x data. Terrasar x, an imaging radar earth observation satellite, is a joint venture being carried out under a publicprivatepartnership between the german aerospace center dlr and eads astrium. Citeseerx document details isaac councill, lee giles, pradeep teregowda.

We address the processing of interferometric terrasarx and tandemx spotlight data. Spacecraft launch mission status sensor complement secondary payloads ground segment references. Demonstration of terrasarx scansar persistent scatterer. Optionally, click hide all scenes to simplify navigation on the world map. Scansar mode, the focused burst is much larger than the raw data burst, requiring special care when performing the azimuth focusing. Demonstration of repeat pass interferometry, along track interferometry, persistent scatterer evaluation, topsar, total zero.

The terrasar x mission 2nd stgipy sar coordination meeting ob f ff h f s t 30 2008oberpfaffenhofen, sept 30, 2008. Tsx terrasarx eoportal directory satellite missions. An example is terrasar x, which is a german earthobservation satellite. Terrasar x is a 1 meter resolution class radar satellite, which delivers earth observation data for scientific, institutional and commercial users terrasar x is the first satellite implemented in a publicprivate partnership in germany, as eads astrium gmbh and the german aerospace centre dlr share the costs for construction and implementation of the satellite. Pdf ship surveillance with terrasarx scansar jordi. In order to overcome the limitations posed by conventional systems, surveillance with satellite sar is being. Band of movement of 2030 cmyear detected along the northeast coast. Simplifying the terrasar x scansar interferometry by making it stripmaplike precise enough to remove the nonlinear azimuth phases providing a solution for terrasar x scansar interferometry starts from slc data can also be applied to other advanced sar system with nonlinear azimuth phases, such as spotlight. Terrasarx instrument operations rooted in the system. Radarsat2 and palsar one year interferograms are useful for permafrost monitoring. Blind azimuth phase elimination for terrasar x scansar interferometry abstract. Palsar two and three year interferograms can also form good displacement products.

Apart from a complex product, scansar interferometry requires that both images have a. Highlights terrasar x, radarsat2 and palsar all maintain good coherence through summer months. Element and total antenna pattern for a steering angle of 0. Terrasarx1 data, infoterra the sarscape interferometry module allows you to process interferometric sar 2pass interferometry, insar, and differential interferometric sar npass interferometry, dinsar data. Pdf first topsar interferometry results with terrasarx.

Apart from a complex product, scansar interferometry requires that both images have a common doppler spectrum, i. Sar interferometry in scansar mode has also been used in other satellites, such as envisat 15,16, alos 17, alos2 18, and terrasar x 19. First topsar interferometry results with terrasarx core. Even if the mission goal is not primarily sar interferometry, terrasar x offers a number of new perspectives to sar interferometry when compared to ers and also envisat. Xband intersatellite link for phase referencing between both radars resp. Access to terrasarx for scientific purposes terrasarx mission goals. Details on the interferometric processing results obtained. Stripmap sm, highresolution spotlight hs and scansar. Terrasar x is a commercial german synthetic aperture radar sar earth observation satellite which was launched in june 2007.

Terrasar x tsx has led to a new era for synthetic aperture radar sar imaging, offering highresolution 1m data that was not previously available from space. Terrasar x offers the new wide scansar mode with a large coverage up to 270 x 200 km2 and a spatial resolution of 40 m. Blind azimuth phase elimination for terrasar x scansar interferometry zhe hu, linlin ge and xiaojing li geodesy and earth observing systems group geos. Terrasar x ground segment experimental product description public 3. Terrasarxtandemx wide scansar latest eo data products. Acquisition of geo ground control point information is quickly available due to its independence on weather conditions and illumination everywhere on earth. Highlights terrasarx, radarsat2 and palsar all maintain good coherence through summer months. Terrasarx mission 2004 werninghaus publications spie. However, it can observe on both sides of its trajectory.

Interferometry package is a set of minimum 5 standard scenes to be ordered within 6 months with an. Since october 2010, terrasar x and tandem x fly in a close formation at distances of only a few hundred metres and record data synchronously. In the scansar imaging modes, electronic antenna elevation steering is. Terrasar x repeatpass images acquired in scansar and tops mode have been processed using the operational integrated tandem x processor itp 8. The project is supported by bmbf german ministry of education and science and managed by dlr german aerospace center. First topsar image and interferometry results with terrasar x adriano meta, pau prats, ulrich steinbrecher, josef mittermayer and rolf scheiber. Automated sea ice classification on dual polarimetric. Terrasar x image product guide basic and enhanced radar satellite imagery page 8 of 24 issue 2. Terrasar x terrasar x is germanys first national remote sensing mission being.

The terrasar x is a german national sar satellite system for scientific and commercial applications. The operational imaging modes stripmap, spotlight and scansar are. Terrasarx basic products copernicus space component data. Scansar data are available as detected as well as complex images. Terrasar xtandemx wide scansar basic products and maritime pack.

For each order future acquisition order or catalogue order the customer can specify. Terrasarx ground segment experimental product description. All these products support mapping and monitoring as well as applyingsar interferometry insar to observe and measure ground mov ements. The successful launch of terrasar x took place on june 15, 2007 from the russian cosmodrome, baikonur, kazakhstan, on a russianukrainian dnepr1 launch vehicle with a 1. A terrasar x addon satellite for singlepass sar interferometry alberto moreira, gerhard krieger, irena hajnsek, david hounam and marian werner german aerospace center dlr microwaves and radar institute hr. Terrasar x persistent scatterers in the hong kong harbor. Terrasar x1 also referred to as tsx or tsx1 is a german sar satellite mission for scientific and commercial applications national project.

Using opensource components to process interferometric. First topsar image and interferometry results with terrasarx. Sar interferometry with terrasarx esa earth online. The terrasar x mission and system design article pdf available in ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 482. Science coordinators for terrasarx and tandemx german. Sbas small baseline subset interferometry sc scansar imaging mode, 4beam scansar. The process chain includes all steps listed in doris manual 21. First topsar image and interferometry results with terrasar x. This results in a commercially unique ratio between. A comparison of terrasarx, radarsat2 and alospalsar. All these products support mapping and monitoring as well as applying sar interferometry insar to observe and measure ground movements. Terrasar xtandemx image products can be acquired in 6 image modes with flexible resolutions from 0. Jeanmarie nicolas, florence tupin, in microwave remote sensing of land surface, 2016. Demonstration of terrasar x scansar persistent scatterer interferometry f.

Recognition of objects airplanes, hangars, vessels, terrasarx new mode 20. This technique, known as radar interferometry, especially when combined with terrasar x s high geometric resolution of about one metre, opens up a range of new applications. Terrasar x tandem x image products can be acquired in 6 image modes with flexible resolutions from 0. Pdf sar interferometry with terrasarx researchgate. Recommended image specification for image analysis. Pdf the terrasarx project is a public,private partnership between astrium gmbh. Terrasar x is an operational, advanced sarsatellite system for scientific and commercial applications. Wide area psi demonstration with terrasar x scansar mode terrafirma esa project. The tandem x satellite is designed for a nominal lifetime of 5 years and has a nominal overlap with terrasar x tsx1 of 3 years. Tandem x terrasar x addon for digital elevation measurements is a second, very similar spacecraft launched successfully on 21 june 2010 from baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan.